Why I don't do New Year's Resolutions...

2018 is here!  

2018 is here!  

So, it's that time of year again and everyone is telling themselves that they will be "better" and eat right and be smarter and stronger and more awesome in 2018.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love crushing goals as much as the next lady, but...I HATE New Year's Resolutions. 

Reasons I might be right about Resolutions: 

1.  WINTER: Winter is a bad time to start fresh.  It's a better time for snuggling and sipping hot chocolate and watching movies.  Or doing good deeds for others.  Or making cookies.  Or doing something to stay warm.  Or traveling to a hot beach destination.  

2. TINY GOALS: It's better in my opinion to just set tiny goals and work towards them.  The end.

3. START WHENEVER YOU WANT: If you want to change something - your health, your appearance, your life, your body, your marriage, your relationships, your parenting style - YOU CAN START ON ANY DANG DAY OF THE WEEK AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.  The issue is that you have to WANT to do it.

4.  PAJAMAS: Most people are laying on their couch in their pjs on January 1.  (hand raises) THAT'S NOT A GOOD DAY TO PLACE ENORMOUS PRESSURE ON YOURSELF AND MAKE ALL THE RULES CHANGE.  

5. REFLECTION and INTROSPECTION ARE COOL: If you want to change something, do it. If you need to change, do it. BUT, there are some of you out there who are doing great things with your lives.  CELEBRATE THE AWESOME STUFF THAT IS ALREADY HAPPENING!!!!! 

ok, I am done shouting for now.  but really, please stop and think about this a little bit...

Here are some things that are fun to do instead of traditional New Year's Resolutions: 

  1. hug your family - repeat daily or hourly if they will let you 
  2. write down a list of as many reasons you are happy as you can - tape that list somewhere important and smile when you read it.  
  3. write down a list of funny things and call a friend and read it to them over the phone. 
  4. have pizza with friends and laugh until you pee your pants - repeat monthly 
  5. go for a walk or run or to a yoga class - repeat as necessary 
  6. ask for help on something that you have been meaning to do 
  7. figure out something that is difficult for you and then eat a cookie 
  8. make a delicious smoothie - repeat weekly 
  9. call a friend you miss - repeat weekly 
  10. write a thank you note to a bunch of people who you appreciate - repeat monthly 
  11. tell a stranger that you think they look nice but don't be a creep 
  12. do a random act of kindness and don't tell anyone about it 
  13. buy coffee for a stressed out mom in line at the coffee shop
  14. carry an old lady's groceries and ask her questions 
  15. do a puzzle and sip wine 
  16. help your kid build legos until your legs fall asleep from sitting "criss cross apple sauce" 
  17. go to the gym and watch law and order while your husband makes dinner 
  18. schedule a vacation or day trip or staycation 
  19. clean out your fridge or cabinets and take photos of it and then send them to your mom
  20. get rid of old socks.
Mixbook Thank you Cards + my messy palette :) 

Mixbook Thank you Cards + my messy palette :) 

Happy 2018!! 




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