Enjoy some behind the scenes clips that didn't make the cut for earlier episodes as we look back, look forward, and laugh until we cry.
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Show Notes
Thank you for listening to Season 1! Enjoy your summer break and we’ll see you (chat to you?) soon.
xo Megan and Friend
We would love to hear from you! Email us your questions and ideas at podcast at artbymegan dot com
Friend: Welcome to The Arts, a brand new podcast about art and money. I've spent my career managing at some of the world's largest financial institutions. So I can't tell you my name, but trust me, talking about money is my jam.
Megan: And I'm Megan, I'm an artist and a teacher. And now co-host of this amazing podcast. We're having this conversation because we came to a realization. We have no idea how the other person spends her workday.
Friend: Or her money. So let's chat about it.
Okay. Episode 13.
Can you believe this?
Megan: I cannot. How do we do this?
Friend: Well, we're super women.
Megan: I know.
Friend: Is how we get everything done.
Megan: The summary in this episode is us congratulating ourselves. Truly.
Friend: We saved you some time just so, you know,
Megan: Thanks guys. All right. Ready?
Friend: Ready. Also, I know you don't feel great. Do you want to tell them why to feel great? Do we want to explain our absence last week?
Megan: Yes. We're back. I'm back from my COVID experience, which was an experience.
Friend: One way to put it.
Megan: So let's just remember that my voice. Huskier than normal maybe. And that I will mute my coughing, but I'm telling you, wow, that was quite a virus.
Friend: Well, that's what I've heard. It's good to have you back.
Megan: Thank you.
All right. So if I sound low energy, it's not that I don't love you. It's just that I'm low energy.
Friend: I don't even know that version of Megan.
Megan: I know it's a sad, it's hard. No, one's really seen it. It's a scary place. On today's show. We're going to wrap up season one, surprise with a very fun behind the scenes. Look at some of the things that have happened as we learned how to make this podcast aka our bloopers.
Friend: That's pretty cold. Megan, you just dropped end of season one, like no big deal.
Megan: Bye.
Friend: deal.
Megan: Well, I mean, let's be honest.
Friend: Um, you tired of me?
Megan: No, we're just getting started, but sometimes we have to, you know, pace ourselves. I feel like things have to be manageable here and you and I are, quite committed many things. So 12 seems like a great number.
Friend: Some might say over committed.
Megan: Yeah. Any, any normal human would say overcommitted.
Friend: Yeah, no, 12 I think is great. It's like, um, college semester.
Megan: Yeah. It's like very official and mathematically satisfying,
Friend: So um, podcast 1 0 1. How did we do?
Megan: A plus.
Friend: A plus. All right, well, you're the teacher, so I'll take it. Season two, you think we can get an, A plus plus?
Megan: For sure. We definitely need to take a break though, and catch up on sleep, which I've been doing, but I need to keep doing. We need to like, get some home cooked meals in our systems. I need to do laundry. I'll actually send you a picture later. It's shocking and terrible.
Friend: Also for the listeners who can't see us when we started this call, I was actually, I was doing laundry.
Megan: Yeah, because we're actually real humans, aren't we all. but we also need to schedule our next guests and I have a whole scroll of ideas, you know?
Friend: Yeah. Yeah. The scheduling has been, I would say the hardest part is just finding these busy... getting time on busy people's calendars. All right. So bloopers. so as you guys know, you've been listening to us now for, for a whole season. it's our first attempt at publishing a show and we had to start from the start from the real basics.
Like, how do you record yourself? Yeah, no. And how do you, you know, work with a co-host divide the work? I think we did great on that, by the way.
Megan: I mean, I won, but okay. was like 70, 30, but okay.
Friend: I think, uh, you know, editing the audio. That was A journey Uh, hopefully it's, it's sounding better.
Megan: A journey for me has been learning how to sit still in my chair. And beyond that, just general fidgeting. Like I just love touching. So I have to stop touching things and tapping my fingers.
Friend: Yeah. I mean, there's, we could go like much more formal in our setup and get you an arm and like a padded booth. And, but I don't think,
Megan: wiggle.
Friend: think, you'd still find things to touch.
Megan: I just want to wiggle, hearing that word. Okay. And I need to not, well, maybe, maybe we don't need to change at all, but we do need to realize that some of us on this podcast get lost in their own thoughts deeply, and then others stay focused better. We'll let the listener decide. We'll do a, we'll do a survey.
Friend: Oh, yes. I don't know anything about that. So I'm I'm glad you volunteered. I mean, we've, we've learned a lot. We've had a lot of fun. maybe sometimes we had too much fun, Part of that is we wanted to have it not be annoying to listen to. when we started having too much fun, we just stripped that out and I set those clips aside, uh, you know, little funny stories and tangents.
I learned a lot about Megan. She always has a funny story. They didn't all make it in to the previous episodes. so anything that took us off course or where we just, sometimes we were just so both, so off our game
Megan: Yes.
Friend: lose the plot.
Megan: I remember once we had to just like cry, laugh, and then turn off the recording because we were so tired that we couldn't make any sense out of any words. And we were like snort laughing when that would really felt nice. Actually, it's very cathartic.
Friend: Yeah, exactly.
Megan: Okay. So we're going to narrate and give a little context for these clips when needed. And otherwise we're just going to let this madness roll, but first The Scene.
Friend: Nope.
Megan: What do you mean?
Friend: Can't not today. Sorry.
Megan: She canceled the scene?
Friend: I know. I just, I just, yeah, I think I have the right to do that. think we've, uh, we've, done really well. but we have a lot of bloopers there's too much playtime. It might end up being like an eight hour episode. If we, if we do the, The Scene. Plus you've been, I think you're seeing is like, What you've been seeing is probably Kleenex and pillows.
Megan: ceiling? The scene? The ceiling. All right. What about our homework for today?
Friend: Nope. This is like the last few days of class before you go on summer vacation and you just watch a movie and write love notes to each other before it's too late.
Megan: Oh, my gosh. Do you remember the nostalgia of the teacher rolling in the television on the cart?
Friend: Yeah,
Megan: And you're
just like, Yes.
Friend: like, we made it.
Megan: It's movie day. There's going to plug it in,
Friend: That's right.
Megan: put your head on your desk and call it a summer.
Friend: Call it a year. You just finished grade three. Yeah,
Megan: Let's get into it. Let's let's graduate.
Friend: let's do it. It's summer. Okay. We've got some, bloopers for the day. We hope this is fun. We hope you enjoy it. You get to know us a little bit more. I'm hoping that Megan makes you laugh. She's very funny. And I had to save some of that for this. So, all right. First clip we have is, just the basics, you know, from the beginning, these are in order of how we recorded.
So the first recording clips come first and the most recent come last. so learning to read. That was something. And then deciding on who would take on the very tedious job of editing these meandering conversations.
"... and something that builds a bridge between people who have chosen to specialize in, in different areas.
Megan: I'm like shaking my head. when there's bloopers. There will be me.
Friend: No, I just totally read your section.
Megan: I liked that you read it. I was really enjoying how you read it.
Friend: if that happens, I think we, we can flip this roll.
Megan: I mean, let's talk about your thoughts on editing us as a, as a job.
Are you, are you interested in editing our thoughts?
Friend: Good time to talk about it. I just, as I go, I just want to look at this, um, before other reasons before the bullet points, I just want to make sure we haven't missed anything there that we can get our voices saying it.
Megan: You should read the part that you wrote for yourself. Okay. Pause and play.
Friend: Pause played. Why don't, why don't you, do you mind if you read them under the blue
Megan: yeah, I'll read that. And
Friend: was long. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Start here.
Megan: and go."
Okay. We have another, blooper segment, which is one of our biggest issues. Well, not issues, but learning curves was learning how to manage background noise. we never know when and how it will be picked up on the mic. And again, guilty as charged here, but like, I have a lot of background noise, so enjoy.
" Oops. Am I, am I digging? Did you dig? Did I ding?
Friend: I didn't hear a ding.
Megan: Oh, good, great, great. No dings here."
Friend: All right. And, for those of you who know Megan, you know, she, she would make a good director. She loves to be the director, and read the headers. Sometimes we have like instructions or headers in our show notes and she likes to read them in her funny voices. So maybe she's got a backup career there.
Megan: Thank God. It's good to have a backup.
" Wrap up.
You just Cut.
Cut, cut, cut."
Okay. for our next segment, we have some words we say differently because we're both from different places. So one of these examples is, "having yoga." Which I just giggle at so hard, but it's just a funny little blip.
Friend: that was just tired brain. And I didn't even realize I had said it until like the next day. And You said, you know, that was a weird expression. And I was like, well, it's already done and recorded. So there it is having yoga.
Megan: You had it just have you have it it's in your day. We also truly do need a sponsorship from throat coat tea, because we both have a regular, maybe a nervous tick, maybe just, um, itchy throats. I don't know what's happening, but we would like to pursue that next season.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: And apparently we want a sponsorship from Botox. Cool.
Friend: Yeah.
" so was having yoga the other day. And, the instructor was, it was at the end, we were doing the own chant and someone in the room, someone in the room had their throat cop and they were like, oh, it was not me.
Megan: air quote in the
Friend: was not because. It was fine. And the yoga instructor proceeds to say, oh, there's a solution for that.
Megan: Stop.
Friend: She goes, you just go like this and look like you're, you're squishing your lips forward. Like you're going to kiss something and then you swallow at the same time.
Megan: you can't cough while you're kissing
Friend: No, it it's how you clear your throat. It's the gesture of bringing forward your lips and your tongue out of the way and swallowing at the same time.
Clears it.
Megan: Let me segue immediately into my next topic, which I think we need to actually publicly discuss on this podcast,
Friend: He didn't like the last topic.
Megan: no, I, it shockingly reminds me of the next topic, which is an emergency.
Friend: Um,
Megan: I have encountered recently so many women that are like 10 years younger than us who have had a full face of Botox done.
Can't puck. Can't stop coughing. If you can't move your face, I'm worried. I'm worried for them. I'm not really worried about their self-image, but I'm worried about things like sneezing and squinting in the sun, drinking from a straw, like you're going to have to use your face muscles.
Friend: Letting someone know that you are pleased with them
Megan: Shock.
Friend: filing? Yes.
Megan: What if someone gives you a surprise party?
Friend: Where are you finding these women?
Megan: No one will know if you're surprised. I found one, we went to dinner after my show sounds so fancy. I mean like I'm like sitting here with filthy sweatpants telling you this. and I just felt like I was like, why do you think either she was very bored on her date, or she could not express her face to express what emotions she had. And I was like, are you cool? Like blink, if you're not okay, can you blink? It was just, it was like looking at a Barbie on a date, you know, like just plasticized and I'm not being judgemental. Like do whatever the hell you want your face, whatever. But like not to the point where you can't express emotion.
Friend: See, I took your earlier statement. As you went to dinner with her,
Megan: Oh, I wish I would have told her like less. Is it more,
Friend: and also, so what do you do all day?
Megan: Oh my God. I want to know about her whole life. Of course, really. What I want to know is does she think I'm a Haggard old wrinkle face
Friend: She probably thinks you're 50,
Megan: or, or, inversely, everyone who is 25 now is 50 everyone. Who's 50 is now 25. So us in the center. Or just like people that are dabbling and retinols, you know, and it's like,
Friend: how's that going? Last time we talked about that you were pealing.
Megan: I have a PSA out there for anyone with fair, very sensitive skin don't dabble in retinols. Go to the professional.
Friend: Don't do it unsupervised, certainly
Megan: unsupervised in anything. I just don't think, I don't think people that burn easily and have freckles and have had acne should be playing around with active chemicals.
Friend: Yeah. I think that's great advice, actually. That's very good. And we could get sponsored by Maybe not.
Megan: Maybe Botox will sponsor us and I'll eat all our words.
Friend: Okay.
Megan: don't think I'm a good candidate for it because I have too many
Friend: I want my face to look like I lived!
Megan: I don't mind that I scowl when I'm angry. Like I just feel like it's a, it's an appropriate reaction to
Friend: apt. Exactly. There is a reason we have these things. Okay.
Megan: My children told me they're happy about my lines, cause it looks like I'm always smiling tell you this
Friend: No, you did not.
Megan: So my face is cracked into a smile, which is really.
Friend: I think that's good. You've been living.
Megan: At this point, if I don't care.
Friend: all right.
Megan: Right. So we're going to record something.
Friend: Yes. And where we left off on that one was Of course.
Megan: Of
Friend: And then go, if you don't mind, just going of course, and then asking me about homework
Megan: Um, I
Friend: also, I'm trying the technique. It's
Megan: in a different tab. not working.
Friend: The kissing swallow
Megan: Look, when I kiss, you really can tell I'm a natural. All right, hold on. I literally have nothing.
Friend: in the chat. I dropped a link
Megan: I know, but all I'm getting is the podcast plan document.
Friend: And then go to the very bottom of it
for the agenda for today.
Megan: page 21, just let's put that out there for people. We're on page 21.
That's wild.
Friend: That's right. This does not happen by accident.
Megan: We were planning."
Friend: All right. The next one is, um, just an example of trying to keep an artist on track and sometimes it takes more than one take.
Megan: When we interviewed our artist's friend, Amanda, she and I ganged up on you with our meandering brains. And it was so funny to watch your expressions. That would have been a great YouTube segment.
Friend: Sometimes it is like herding cats. Yeah.
Megan: "Okay. You ready?
Friend: I'm ready.
Megan: Of course. Hold on. Here we go again. Okay. Breathing and cut. Of course. And also we should talk about our homework assignments.
Friend: Oh, yes, we almost forgot.
Megan: All right. So you go first. We almost forgot.
Friend: In that we did forget. And then we re-record.
Megan: This is future us talking.
"This meeting is being recorded.
Friend: Okay.
Megan: All right, let's do the show open for episode six.
Friend: Yes. On today's
Megan: volume down. I'm sorry. Let's try it one more time. I'm so happy though. I sound better. Carry on.
Friend: fantastic. But Megan's ready. So now we're ready now. We're now we in business.
Megan: Okay.
Ready? Episode six show open."
We have a lot of segments which refer to us struggling and learning how to multitask and or not be distracted. So there's a couple here to pursue.
"So that's a perfect, perfect thing."
Friend: I'm sorry. I had a work thing happen.
Megan: I was like, hello.
Friend: Where did you go? Well, I was waiting for your next flight. Oh, I love the sound of the top. Okay. Okay. Me too. I can't wait. Let's dive right in. That sounded like I was reading.
Megan: Hold on. Go back."
Friend: So when we, we use like a shared document and then we sometimes screen-share sometimes not, in either case we're both looking at the same document, if all goes to plan and then sometimes. I will edit as Megan's talking and give her a real, a real confused script to try to follow. So that's what happens here,
Megan: It's like a teleprompter. So you could make me say anything.
Friend: but I think the rule should be no editing on the fly.
It's not
Megan: I liked the challenge. Although you get really sweaty, like you're reading and you're sweating because you're like the words are changing.
Friend: " Oh, no, that wasn't it. No,
no, I know. I was just about to delete it for you because you had, I think you had the colors there from Kristin and I was like, those are
Megan: to
Friend: her colors. So I changed them.
Megan: Wait. That's the best blooper, because I just almost asked you the question hot to gold or Navy. Okay. But really the color is not called hot gold. It's just gold."
Um, okay. There's a segment here called what makes something a real job? Question mark we'll pursue that.
" If I log off at 4 29 and that's why,
Friend: Yeah, like a real, a real job
Megan: well, I don't change my clothes or go anywhere. So I guess that is a real job.
Everyone else
Friend: job. Yeah. Everyone else is doing that. now. Yeah. exactly. All right.
Megan: Speaking of real jobs jobs, this is one of them.
Friend: This is a serious one."
And sometimes like probably 10% of season one was us talking about being tall, tall clothing, tall life,
Megan: hashtag tall life.
Friend: so a lot of that had to come out. So it was a little bit of that here.
Megan: I do think tall women everywhere will be rejoicing to hear this content.
Friend: " There was a woman in the airport the other day that was taller than me. So she was probably above six feet and she was wearing a one-piece sweat pants suit, where the zipper was up at the back of her neck. And I was thinking,
Megan: how
Friend: how do you go to the bathroom in an airplane? Like, yeah, like, what are you doing first of all, second. Where did you get that? Because it looked like it fit. It was one piece third.
Megan: Is it cute?
Friend: no, it, well, no, it wasn't
Megan: Not your style?
Friend: not my style It looked comfortable,
Megan: Well, comfort is one thing, but adorable is another often
Friend: adorable. I mean, you could get the same effect with joggers and a nice shirt. and not have to do gymnastics in an
Megan: Oh my gosh. I had to have one jumpsuit, which I'll link in the show notes.
I'm not joking. I feel like I'm doing a service to tall women everywhere by sharing this information. I have one cousin who's taller than me, which is shocking. And she tells me all her trials and tribulations with one piece clothing.
So it saves me time. And then I'm like, well, once Lauren says, it's fine, I then try it. And then it's usually fine.
Friend: Oh, wow.
Megan: Yeah.
Friend: I just, oh no, that's not true. I do have one piece, but it's shorts.
Megan: Um,
Friend: with shorts. And so I feel like then the length doesn't matter. Cause you can just,
it can right up.
Megan: issue of the Capri pants,
Friend: yeah.
Megan: which isn't chic when you're tall,
Friend: It's not chic.
Megan: it just looks like your pants are short.
Friend: Yes, exactly. Or three-quarter sleeve. No, because it just looks like it's too short.
You look like you're wearing child's clothes. All right. That's a good, that would be a good sponsor idea. Long, tall, sally.
Megan: huge clothing
Friend: Yeah. There are a couple of brands for tall one. Okay.
Megan: huge, huge clothing.com
Friend: All right.
Megan: that wraps that up.
Friend: Yeah. We hope that hearing about America, America.
Megan: This is the world's longest blooper. Hi, this is amazing.
Friend: And for your bonus content,
Megan: bull con like this whole full episode.
Friend: both of us are tired
and we're squeezing it in. So
Megan: we go.
Friend: we hope that hearing about Amanda's work and approach to expressing herself And making it work as a full-time artist in New York inspiring. And as always, thanks for listening to the art.
Megan: And be sure to come back next week for a discussion of, I don't know.
Friend: economists or no, We already did her.
Megan: We don't
Friend: Okay.
Megan: know,
Friend: We should
Megan: sure to come back next week for a discussion
Friend: for mystery time.
Megan: for four something, period. No, by this point, we don't need to promise these people, anything they're going to tune in no matter what we have
loyal followers.
Friend: be sure to come back next week. We will have another episode.
Megan: Thanks mom.
Friend: Thanks captain. Obvious
Megan: No leave. Literally shout out to our loyal followers. Let's skip the list out
Friend: our husbands.
Megan: Oh
Friend: Okay.
Megan: until then, This is Meghan apartheid.
Friend: And her friend.
Megan: Stupidest you sometimes
Friend: All right. My glasses are fogging up.
Megan: Oh, okay.
Friend: Let's
try it. We can do it real quick. Throw code.
Megan: cut. Cut. Cut. Wishing you more art.
Friend: You know what? We don't even need it. We'll just copy from another episode. Done. Cut. That was hard. Okay.
Megan: This is going to be our like holiday special.
Friend: This is what you get for your patriarch dollars.
Megan: Yeah. I'm literally crying, like pouring tears out of My
eyes. Oh Lord. Help us."
We have a bit of time where we've spent exploring using your middle name as an adult.
Friend: And what it means.
Megan: No idea like being in trouble as an adult.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: Okay.
Friend: "I don't know if we're calling her Amanda or Amanda. Michelle. They have
Megan: I think just Amanda
Friend: yeah. '
Megan: she's like Amanda, Michelle is an Instagram person, but no one calls me, Megan Elizabeth,
Friend: Okay.
Megan: that for strangers and my parents live in trouble. Like often once weekly. Do you know what a shocking concept, please keep this in. This is like directly through my mother who is listening a shocking concept.
Is that like I'm old. Right. And I still feel like I could get in trouble with my parents.
I want to instill that kind of fear in my.
Friend: What would the consequences be today?
Megan: Just like that. I would be like, my first and middle name would be used at the dinner table.
Like that tone, that your fear.
Friend: know, you know, the look.
Megan: And I'm like, oh God, I disappointed you. I don't know. I did."
Friend: All right, next one. I just thought it would be good to share this one. So we know who's bringing the real order to the show and where the bloopers idea even came from.
" So w did you have a look at the, at the grids or the graphs that we have? Like where would you place yourself on the, on the money mind?
Amanda: I don't look at it
Friend: Okay. No, no, No, problem. just let me see if I can send it to you real quick.
Megan: Can screenshare. She's so techy. Just let her be queen. I want to keep this content right here with me just complimenting you while you Google things a don't cut. This. I just called my friend here. A queen. Amanda, we have so many blooper reels. Like it's just shocking.
Amanda: I love when podcasts have like a blooper real episode. So just keep those in the bank.
Megan: Epic. epic.
Friend: What can you see of my screen-share? Speaking of being the queen.
Megan: there's a segment on driving in your car with children, which makes me want to just cry a little
Friend: I love it. I think it's funny.
Megan: "When, I drive my children around in the car, sometimes they say like strange kind of philosophical proclamations, you know, like children's brains. Just sort of let out information.
Friend: I love car drives with kids. Cause they talk to you.
Megan: well, it's really lovely and there's not much else to do.
Right. So we're just like do, do, do the other day, my daughter, who was a preteen, just blurted out, sort of suddenly that it must be really hard for everyone in January. Very that's it, period. And I was like, yeah, the weather's bad. And I was kind of filling in the blanks for her thinking, what in the world is she talking about?
And then she continued to say that the only jobs available in January were woodworking. And I was like, honey, Are there other jobs that you know of where people are going to work? What she really meant? It was so funny because she like had to get to the point where we were both laughing because at first I was just laughing at her, but we got to the point where she realized that what she meant was outdoors. There's not much going on.
Friend: Oh, right.
So there's no lawn cutting. Right? Okay. There's no summer camp,
Megan: But I was like, honey, not everyone's out of work except for woodworkers
Friend: Like you could still go to a restaurant.
Megan: Also, could you not shout that while I'm driving,
Friend: I think I would have to pull over. I would be like crying, laughing.
Megan: like sobbing at a red light. Like
Friend: Oh,
Megan: composure,
Friend: I love it.
Megan: mind of a child."
Friend: And then, you know, you can pad the room and tell people you're busy and turn your phone on silent and the doorbell might still ring.
Megan: They're always, they're always looking for us.
Friend: I love your doorbell sound, by the way,
Megan: It's very cheerful.
Friend: is it making noise in the house or on your phone?
Megan: Both
Friend: Both Wow. It's a lot.
Megan: remotely.
Friend: Yeah. So, so someone could be like, you could be in the grocery store and your doorbell would ring.
Megan: Yes. And I can talk to that. It's really helpful and weird.
Friend: I'll keep that in mind. The next time I want to show up by surprise. I feel like I know you can see me. I know, you know, I'm here.
Megan: our neighborhood children know, and then they'll like stare into the camera and they're like, Megan, open that door and I'm like, oh my God. They know I'm here. I don't have just like my own children. I have like the neighborhood anyways.
"Literally guys, all I too was a whole lot of things at once. Like juggling, I'm sorry, if you hear that jingling, do you hear that jingling?
Friend: Yes, that was nice
Megan: that
was my, that was my doorbell, I think. All right. Well we're real profesh."
Um, dear universe, please ignore what I just said.
Friend: Yeah. That was a risky one. What you said.
Megan: I don't know what I said. I can't wait to hear.
" I would like probably just hug her,
Friend: And then she would cook for us and you'd be like, can I be your daughter?
Megan: No, the problem would be this. I would, I have. this Charm, you know? No, I, I have a problem where I accidentally joined people's families. The inverse is true as well in airports. I often attract strays. Like one time I almost adopted a child at the airport because he just couldn't find his family. And there he was and why not?
You know, but my point is what, like at this point, the burgers are being flipped. The. Dear universe, please don't hear that. That I just said that like, no, we're
Friend: you, I don't think we want to talk on this
Megan: breaking out into hives."
Friend: All right. And then somehow, sometimes it's like, we're recording in the clubhouse with Mickey.
Megan: We were in the clubhouse one day.
"How much of the Mickey mouse club can you hear in the background of my podcast?
Friend: Very little to none.
Megan: Okay, good.
Friend: I think we'll just carry on. I think
Megan: this called work-life balance.
Friend: Yeah. exactly. like
Megan: Sorry. I haven't
Friend: also no letters about who should not be doing anything other than
Megan: What am I supposed to do?
Friend: no.
Megan: I would, if it was warmer out, I'd put them in the backyard, but like it's cold.
Friend: Also, he has an imagination. He's fine. You're right there. Like you can hear him. He's fine.
Megan: The clubhouse with Mickey."
Um, one time you said your own name.
Friend: Yeah.
I did side note. That has been a real child. That's like an extra layer of challenge. It was hard for the guests. It was hardest for you. And then even I got caught up with it. I mean, how do you, you don't go through life, like, not saying someone's name. So we'll see how the friend thing works out next season.
" All right. Recording. Ready?
Megan: Hold on. I don't know what I'm doing.
Friend: All right. On today's show.
Bleep. is going to take some throat coat tea. What? The, like,
Megan: Oh, wait, you just said your own face name.
Friend: I did, but I was going to cut it anyways. As soon as I start coughing, everything gets cut.
Megan: Well, you know, it's nice to stimulate a cough. We do this.
Friend: All right. On today's show, we are talking with one of the most talented photographers that we have Uh, I don't love that.
Megan: You have to start over. Cause I said, I'm sweating in my sweater.
Friend: I know, but when I'm talking and you're talking, I just cut you out any more, so I don't care anymore, but the talk over,
Megan: Well, what a job you've taken on. All right. Ready? Go.
Friend: do you have an open Chi-Chi's?
Megan: Yeah, it's open. I'm supposed to go
Friend: I think you should go for it. I think you're better at it. Yeah. Go.
Megan: 1, 2, 3."
We have general mispronunciation issues.
Friend: That would be me.
Megan: No, I think it's both.
Friend: I do a lot of reading in my head and not too much reading out loud, so that's
Megan: Oh, that's fair.
Friend: "I have a book that was written just for you, Megan. It is called daily rituals, women at work.
Megan: It's like the podcast.
Friend: you, know, it.
Megan: I know it, but I love it and I want to go reread it. So don't, don't worry.
Friend: Okay. it is like the podcast. So it's daily rituals, women at work by Mason, Mason, Mason
Megan: Mason
Friend: That's like a very
Megan: is he? I don't know. Mason.
Friend: Mason.
Megan: You're French came out there. My soul.
Friend: did it, did it did. I was like who there's. No, there's not. I, uh, it's funny how, when you have to say things out loud, it's a different story. Okay. It's called the book is called daily rituals. Women at work by Mason Curry."
and then we had old world versus new world, so Walking versus internet. I think that was the one where you were talking about the, um, how women work and everyone goes for a walk or something.
Megan: " walking, walking, constant walking like everyone's ritual is to go f or a walk.
Friend: Well, it's mind resetting.
Megan: Yeah. Also, there's a word for this, that someone supports now I cannot prove, but it's something about like
collection of information.
Friend: I'm having an internet problem. Yeah. I'm having an internet. I'm going to, I try to switch it. It defaults to the non 5g. I'm going to switch it to the
5g. And, um, okay. So we were talking about why.
Megan: Oh my gosh. Yes. So the common thread I thought I saw, which was slightly less exciting than your inspirational moment was that everyone's going walking a lot. "
Okay. we have more content regarding tall outfits and the pursuit of the perfect jumpsuit, which I don't know. I think I'm still on the pursuit
Friend: Yeah, I think it's still on. We'll take any recommendations.
Megan: I don't know. I mean, it's just like, I keep trying and it's like three inches too short.
Friend: Yes. I would like to talk to you about something trending other than jumpsuits in the clothing department. If I may take, take a sidebar for a second. So it's starting to be warm in New York and this year more than I have ever seen in my entire life. it's like, the bras are not being shipped. It's like, there's no supply of bras. So who cares? We've just been two years at home. Uh, without one why we're like, like everyone is not wearing a bra. Let me restate that. No one is wearing a bra. Why, what happened? What happened in the social world or something that it was like, burn your bra just this month,
Megan: I know,
Friend: do you have any insight?
Megan: I do not, I have complicated thoughts on this actually, because I kind of liked the idea of not caring, but then I personally don't want to do that.
Friend: Yes. I'm
like well, that's,
Megan: I like
Friend: I just like having, like, I know where it is and know what's going on, you know,
Megan: we are too old to be part of this.
Friend: it is a movement though, and I would like to get to the bottom of it. If anyone knows, like what happened was there, was there celebrity who showed up.
Megan: Yeah. I think it's like a gender neutral gender neutralization that we're seeing.
I just don't like the feeling
Friend: yeah, I don't, yeah, it's not for me, but it's happening folks.
Megan: it's happening.
Friend: jumpsuits are out. So we're bras.
" Three tall ladies, the average height on this call
Chi-Chi: Yeah.
Friend: is almost six feet.
Megan: I almost found a jumpsuit almost.
Friend: so is this still a little
Megan: I could stand up straight, but I couldn't like stretch. Cause it was just like, whoa. Okay. That's not appropriate. We're on this. We're on this jumpsuit mission and it's like five, 10 is the limit. But anyways,
we just, should we do this? Should
we do this. podcast?"
Okay. And our next blooper we've discussed that we're doing this podcast for 52 more years.
Friend: We could set a record
for longest running.
Megan: Probably what else will be like holograms or whatever.
Friend: We'll be like, what's that? What are these kids doing? No bras and holograms.
"Yeah. Okay. these morning recording sessions are not good for me. There's
Megan: We're so flemmy.
Friend: I know it's like, huh,
then I have to do my,
Megan: shut. And your throat is swollen shut.
Friend: but only one of them will be obvious to our listeners. No one will know about your face.
Megan: When, where I'm really old, I'm still doing this. It's like 90 year old women. my gosh. Imagine. Okay. Stay on
Friend: I D I don't ha I don't know if I have the stamina to do it for, um,
Megan: 50.
Friend: years that? 52.
Megan: But by then, you'll just be like upload. I don't give a
Friend: And be like, whatever, let's just do this thing live. Nobody is then. Yeah."
And then I think my favorite moment of the whole season was when you're a little sweet person came and told us his finger was stuck
Megan: In the door knob
Friend: In the doorknob.
Megan: Like he was is trapped.
Friend: and his little voice. And I
Megan: I'm stuck.
Friend: it was like, hi, I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Megan: He has a little gentlemen, but he is also the gremlin. So it's like a double whammy. It was like a well-dressed monster.
" you has
to go potty and we're back. Hold on one second. Do you need to go right now or do you want to say
Friend: Hi.
Megan: hi to
this finger is stuck in the door knob. One second.
Friend: okay.
Megan: it's actually stuck.
Friend: Hi, I'm getting, let you go potty.
Megan: Can you say Hi.
Friend: Hi sweetheart. I have to go to work.
Megan: do you need to
sign off? Well, we're good. You can go.
Okay. Heart you. Bye Say bye."
Friend: And most often next to our height. We, you talk about hair all the time.
Megan: favorite topics because it's an, it's a struggle that we've embraced. Great. The height and the hair. I'd say they're two of our biggest struggles in life.
Friend: Ooh. First-world problems.
Megan: No, I mean, it's fine. We're fine. We're getting through it, but it's, it's involved a lot of research and product testing
Friend: And case, ball caps
Megan: Oh
Friend: handy.
Megan: You gotta have a lot of backup plans.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: Humidity, you gotta know about the weather. I mean, there's extensive research involved.
Friend: I do have to check the humidity.
Megan: Always.
Friend: " Okay.
Megan: No just
Friend: are we going to talk about your hair today?
Megan: we should start, we should open the today's episode with my hair. Um, you know, my children are in the other room on spring break.
Friend: Oh my
Megan: I left the following directions with the older one. Do not watch anything about murder. Goodbye. So I'm basically killing it is what I'm telling you. I love your hair when it's not straightened.
Friend: Thank you. Thank you. What it is is my life is out of order. So my
Megan: Yes
Friend: out of order.
Megan: you are channeling, uh, Monica on tropical vacation. Do you know that friends of the stuff?
Friend: Do you know? No, I do not. That is
Megan: Oh my God
Friend: the first time someone said that to me.
Megan: literally. That's my, when I go step off of a plane in the Caribbean, I convert into a person with like wild slash scary hair.
Friend: Yeah, well, I'm a little nervous because I'm going to Argentina for and they apparently have really bad humidity. So I have, so I, first of all, it looks like this because I landed at like late Sunday night and then hit the ground running
Megan: No
Friend: it. I was like, what the I don't, I
Megan: I
Friend: you know. and so then I was like, whatever, I'm not going to, then
it was
Megan: cares?
Friend: I know. Well, I care.
Megan: Well care
Friend: you know, so,
Megan: I get it
Friend: well, now I'm doing the same thing. The other way I'm going to land. It's going to be, you know, humid. I think I'm just going to it.
Megan: Just be curly for a week and see what happens.
Friend: I hate it. It makes me grumpy.
Megan: You too. I hate it. When I try and run my hands through my
Friend: exactly.
Megan: and they get trapped
Friend: whoa,
Megan: The problem is you and I have the same exact hair, which isn't cute curls. It's like unruly lioness, you know? And you're like, this is hard.
Friend: Your hair looked. Did you have your hair done when you did the art show last
Megan: No, but you know what? I didn't do wear Spanx and it shows in the pictures for being fully honest.
Friend: No.
Megan: it's just like, hard enough to be like nearly 100 years old. The middle section is re is relaxing. I'm like wrinkles
fine But food food bars
Friend: went a, she went with red
Megan: Yeah, I was
we're going, I don't wear red, but
out blondes should.
Friend: out. You can, you had a black leather jacket on, which I thought was very New York.
Megan: Well, cause you know, I'm not here forever. I wish that we could podcast our faces,
Friend: All right. So, um, quick, quick catch-up
Megan: oh my gosh
no, they're fine.
Friend: not watching murder. Um, but how are you? Like, how
Megan: So busy
Friend: it worth the framing? You look
Megan: it was so
Friend: things what's
Megan: I'm like 1, 2, 3.
Friend: Are those all
Megan: I'm like all of this, I'm in a storage closet. This used to be like an expensive spare bedroom because I had like a painting in it. Now I'm like, it's closing in on me. I told I'm moving out.
Friend: I was going to say you need like a garage or
Megan: Like I'm out. No, I think I'm I'm going to move
Friend: to get a studio
or a different house?
Megan: Well, no, I'm not getting divorced. I'm just going to move my art out. The rest of it's fine. No problem is when you do big things, the problem is that you get big return, which is great, except when you don't have time. So I'm really just like, um, the joke among my mom, friends, as we're all just treading water until our children are in school.
Friend: Yeah, definitely. '
Megan: cause it's like, you can only do a half job or as much as possible in like your weird three hour increments, but it is maddening. So yes, the show was really successful,
Friend: Good."
All right. We're almost through.
Megan: There's a segment on why I don't knit.
Friend: I mean, because you just come up with the most random things. So like that made it too.
Megan: I hate knitting just saying it.
"I'm just like astounded by people like her though, that can kind of just chip away at a task.
Friend: something.
Megan: That's pretty impressive. Same with people that like knit I'm like, oh God, it's my nightmare.
Friend: I, yeah. I abandoned knitting projects all the time. I
Megan: You know, what's funny watching someone like me trying to knit because I'm like too tightly wound. Literally my aunt who's like really relaxed was always like, loosen your, loosen, your whatever. And I was like, grunting. She's like, honey, it's supposed to be relaxing. I was like, this is horrible. I hate it.
I'm just, it's getting smaller and smaller. I had like a scar for elves, the terrible,
Friend: my goodness. Okay."
And then finally, things that make us feel old, it's not so depressing, but it's a little like, like middle-aged.
Megan: Oh, that's hard. That's a hard pill to swallow, but you know what? There's a beauty in this. We get to be older
Friend: and still here.
Megan: and be funny. Still. And beautiful can talk.
" Returning to us travel for you. Seems horrible. By the way.
Friend: I don't know. why I'm not being resilient about it. I think I just need to like, get over it. I used to be like, were like orbiting each other around and was like, okay, I'll meet you there. I right. And now I did one boring trip to small. I couldn't sleep while I was there.
Megan: hard
Friend: death week. I don't want to go again. I'm flying tomorrow night. It's overnight.
Megan: I don't adjust to time as well as I used to. Like, I do think that's a good thing about
Friend: about age.
Because I used to, like, I wouldn't even skip a beat or Maybe I didn't realize how tired I was
Megan: Maybe you didn't care. Maybe you were on more nervous adrenaline now. You're like, oh wait, I've seen the other side.
Friend: Yeah. So all of that is to say,
Megan: you're
Friend: it would be great if this episode was shorter than some of the other ones.
Megan: Let's muscle through. I'm going, I'm telling you to muscle through, I'll the blog things. Obviously I wanted to do that. I just didn't want to like, get all up in your grill.
So that might help us season two wise.
Friend: Yeah, I think we're good. I think that's fine. That's fine. I can see the light at the end of the
Megan: yeah, yeah. yeah. It's a lot of work.
Friend: Are you getting enough feedback? You think that that people that we don't know are listening?
Like, are you
Megan: Oh yeah
Friend: social? Okay. Because the only people I'm hearing from are people I know. Right. Cause I've told them,
Megan: I mean, random people share about it.
Friend: okay."
Megan: All right. Well, that was fun. My favorite bloopers are the ones where we cannot control ourselves. Just generally giggle mania.
Friend: Yeah, we have had a lot of laughs. It's been good for that. I love it. As I said, I, my favorite is when your son drops. And he says his cute little things and he tells us about his life and he's like, you're telling him to say hi, he can't hear me because I'm in your headphones. It's like confusing. It's very cute.
Megan: I think it's like, what is mommy's job? he could be a future guest. He's definitely an artist. And, um, we love the thought of having a male artist on the show. So we should explore that for season two.
Friend: Sure. mean, yeah, but he he'll be soon school age, so he could do like a homework assignment show and tell like, Hey, I was on this podcast.
Megan: Yes. Okay. I think that's all that's left for us now is to say some major thank yous.
Friend: Yes. And then, uh, maybe we'll give a little sneak peek into CS.
Megan: Yeah. All right. First step, I would like to thank my mom for being the first person to listen to episode, truly because the episode publishes on Friday mornings. And if it's 43 minutes long, she calls me 44 minutes later. Truly like that's such a good, it's such a good thank you because it's so accurate.
So thank you mom, for supporting us
Friend: it's, that's so nice. Um, the show show would be nothing without our mothers. So thank you for listening, in your retirement, you know, putting us on your, on your to-do. I'm sure there are more interesting things you could do, as, as retirees, It's nice to know that at least two people are listening.
I mean, it's way more than that. But side note, We tried to get them on the season and both avoided us. So now that they have proof that we're doing something cool. Interesting. not insane.
Megan: We can pressure them.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: I don't know if they're not sure about the insane part yet though, though. Like they did raise us. They know what they're dealing
Friend: I know what they're dealing with.
Well, maybe I'll interview your mom and you can interview my mum.
Megan: That would be really cute.
Friend: Jury's still out. Well, next to our mothers, we'd like to thank all of our listeners for giving us your time in your ears.
Megan: I mean, if not for you all, we would not have to record ourselves or edit. We would just call each other, but really we made this for you and we really loved this idea. So we hope to like, we really hope you liked it, but we know like, from a lot of you that it, it had, uh, it had some bones to it, you know, like there's something to this.
So it's very exciting to think of an idea and then have people react to it positively.
Friend: Yeah. Yeah, it was really nice. and we started off the beginning of, we started off in episode one saying, no one asked to emails and I don't think we had any, what do you
Megan: Not even an Instagram comment, although
Friend: see any. Yeah.
Megan: like we don't attract that type of energy.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: I think that's one of the things.
Friend: Good, good. So good
Megan: general vibe is like chill or at least silly. So I don't think that, like we have anyone out there that's frustrated or filled with us yet.
Friend: we're, I don't we're
Megan: Stay tuned for season two,
Friend: yeah, that's cool.
Megan: but we have heard from somebody have you like DMS messages, emails that say sweet things. And that, that means the world to us. So thank you.
Friend: Yeah, let us know, you know, keep, keep reaching out, by email or by, um, I guess Instagram, Megan's getting a lot of it. you know, let us know if you.
have questions, topic, ideas, feel free to tell us, um, what you liked or what you like to see more or less of. We're cool with that. We love feedback.
Megan: Perfect. The show email. is still podcast@artbymeghan.com and we'll be monitoring the email address between seasons. So if you have an idea randomly one day in the summer, just hit us up.
Friend: Yeah. And do you take a summer vacation from Instagram
Megan: I
Friend: you cannot.
Okay. All right. So they can still find you there and there's that podcast widget your Instagram.
Megan: Yes, that was the right. It's a highlight, but you're close. So yes, people are sharing it and they're loving it. So I feel like with Instagram now, it's a weird, mysterious place where you don't really know what point a to point B is a longer, but things snowball at weird moments. So whenever people feel like sharing it, it's still good
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: of sharing is caring.
Friend: All right. One more. we could not have made this season what it was if we didn't have guests
Megan: gosh, guests were amazing.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: There are so, so good. Thank you so much to them. For first of all, risking like a brand new podcast and being like here goes nothing, but also for sharing their wisdom with us and our, our listeners. So thank you to Kristin, Justina, Amy, Amanda, Evie, Marie, and Chi-Chi for taking time to sit down and chat with us.
We know it took a lot to schedule we're just so super thankful for you.
Friend: Yeah. And thanks also to Hannah. Hannah helped us at launch at the beginning and edited the first half of the season for us. And we really appreciate her guidance and her help there.
Megan: uh, major league. Cause we didn't know
Friend: We didn't know what we were doing. Yeah. And she was, she was tough.
Megan: She was, was a good critic.
Friend: yeah. She was like, stop that, do this.
And were like, yes.
Megan: Stop moving. She was very helpful and kind, and was like way too qualified to work with us, but just lended her expertise, was super nice of her.
Friend: yep. So good.
Megan: I would like to thank you, Friend for inspiring me. I'm not being cheesy. I have to be serious. You actually make me think harder. You ha you helped me organize myself better. My thoughts, and you make me think bigger, which I feel like is the sign of a good friendship, but also a fun podcast. So thank you.
Friend: Oh, that's fun.
Megan: Also our super cute, like sitting on The Met steps, the met art gallery in New York. Um, we were like gossip girl sitting there brainstorming this one day but it was a great idea.
So I'm very grateful for you. And like, honestly, for this challenge, because it was so good for my brain and I think it was good for a lot of us.
Friend: Yeah, that's awesome. Well, it's been a pleasure and thank you for maintaining my anonymity and, uh, for just making me laugh. I mean, you just made me laugh so hard and you told me probably a dozen times to stop overthinking things, which is good to hear. if you have the propensity to overthink and forgetting me painting, you know, like trying just, it was just so good to get to work with somebody coming from such a different space.
I really loved it. And I think you were good about being transparent. You also had to share more because I'm anonymous. You opened up much more about your life and work than I did. And I appreciate that. I think that helped with the authenticity of it.
Megan: We have a good, like yin yang thing going.
Friend: Yeah.
Megan: I like that. Okay. I would also like to thank my husband for telling me that this was a good idea. Has input actually matters to me and I tease them because he tells me other people have to validate things way after he said, it's a good idea. So I'm telling you, thank you for saying this was a good idea, to my children for their background, rumbles and giggles, which yes, drive all moms crazy, but are fun. And they're very sweet and wonderful. And to a couple of my girlfriends who I've known my whole life are mad at me for not interviewing them on the podcast.
Friend: Season
Megan: I've promised a couple of them. Like, I'm really sorry. It's nothing personal.
Friend: I mean, there was only like five or six. Then we had that. We kind of had the pre set in a lot of ways before we even went. So, no, there's lots of time. There's lots of time for that. Um, and my husband cooked. Well, I edited a lot of nights, which is, amazing. you know what? We sound like those actors at the Oscars, Like the music has started and we're just like, you know, we just keep talking and talking and talking.
Megan: And my math teacher from fourth grade. Okay. I mean, whatever, it took a village, there's a lot of people that go into making things happen.
Friend: Yeah, it did. It did. And we did it. Okay. season two, what are you thinking?
Megan: I think we record in person in New York.
Friend: Yes.
Megan: But there's also so much we did not get into in season one. Like we have a lot to explore.
Friend: Yes. I'd like to meet some new people. maybe art history. I'd be interested in that and NFTs.
Megan: I mean, do they exist still TBD? We have all sorts of things on our brains. I mean, I could make you a list right now of 12 for season two, right? We have like fashion designers, a trilingual art history professor, a floral designer, our friend, Deborah. Who's an amazing artist, author Eve Rodsky of unicorn space.
We're going to reach out Grossi Pelosi like he's coming on and he's fabulous and hilarious. Alicia keys is lined up.
Friend: Okay. I think a few of those might've been wishful.
Megan: I'm pretty sure Alicia is in the BMS. Um, I'll circle back.
Friend: right.
Megan: we're going to interview some male wall street, investment bankers in their best.
Friend: Yes.
I would love to have some male guests. I don't think that it was exclusive you know, it wasn't like intentionally exclusive. It was just where we started. that would be.
Megan: Yes.
Friend: Cool. All right. Well, lots of ideas plans in the works. We're going to take the summer and we're going to do some behind the scenes scheduling and writing and so on.
you know, it takes us a little time. We research, we schedule, we script record, we edit, we, you know, so just take us a little bit to get ahead of it again.
Megan: Okay, but also what are you going to do with your time off?
Friend: Uh, work. How about you?
Megan: Being a grownup is hard. yeah, I'm working. I have a solo show in July on July 15th and you're coming.
Friend: Oh nice.
Megan: you there
Friend: yeah, that sounds awesome.
Megan: also. we should go on girls' weekend.
Friend: Yep.
I mean,
Megan: Okay.
Friend: do you want to, should we try to estimate when we would launch her, I'm a little afraid to commit
Megan: No, we're not estimating anything because here's why we're going to just give people a vibe as to when we will reemerge. Here's what close your eyes. Just as a visualization technique,
think of like a back to school vibe. You're sharpening pencils. You're buying school supplies will reappear around them.
Like the smell of a sharpened pencil will be in the air.
Friend: right. Sounds good. Okay. My friend, that's a wrap. Go for it. I know you. love this part. And season.
Megan: Oh, that was really cute. Good writing.
Friend: Yeah. Thank you. That was
Megan: Good work.
Friend: As always, for listening to The Arts.
Megan: This is Megan of Art by Megan.
Friend: And her friend, your patron of the arts.
Megan: Wishing you more art.
Friend: And maybe, a better understanding of your money.